
FRANCE | 82 minutes | 1983

During a decisive soccer match, the ref calls a penalty, with the unfortunate result that the local team loses. The furious fans hurl insults at the official from the stands, even going so far as to show up at his house to beat him up. Through this story of mass hysteria, the sardonic French filmmaker delivers a searing condemnation of the worst excesses of human stupidity. À mort l'arbitre ! flamboyantly exposes the dark side of sports and their overexcited fans. In a tale full of twists and turns, Michel Serrault steals every scene as a loony, foul-mouthed and violent soccer fan.

Q&A with Carole Laure


Tuesday October 15, 2019

Program #148
Cinémathèque - Salle Principale

Jean-Pierre Mocky

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Screenplay Jacques Dreux, Jean-Pierre Mocky
  • Producer Raymond Danon
  • Cast Michel Serrault, Carole Laure, Eddy Mitchell, Laurent Malet

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