Premieres — Events — Happenings
UNITED STATES | 114 minutes | 1992
Ellen Ripley crash-lands on Fiorina 161, a forgotten prison planet populated with civilization’s most dangerous and unstable criminals. She soon finds herself caught between implacable aliens and hardened criminals, and the anxiety just keeps ratcheting up. The first feature film by David Fincher (Se7en, Fight Club, The Social Network, etc.), Alien 3 takes the franchise into a very dark, corrosive place, to everyone’s surprise at the time – it’s a pessimistic film steeped in toxicity, questioning humanity at the abyss. A gritty film about the disillusionments of a world where, in spite of it all, the struggle for survival grinds on.
As part of La Grande nuit ALIEN du FNC
No biography
FilmAlien 3 (1992)Seven (1995)The Game (1997)Fight Club (1999)Panic Room (2002)Zodiac (2007)The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)The Social Network (2010)The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)Gone Girl (2014)
1. It’s a phenomenon characterized by the experience of seeing light without light actually entering the eye.
Short film, Experimental
COLOMBIA, GERMANY | 11 minutes | 2018
Crocodile-men, a mystic river, some kids who like fishing and a war that is coming to an end, share the same Colombian land: Bojaya. In this place,...
COLOMBIA | 14 minutes | 2018
In the late 19th century, extravagant hats adorned with spectacular feathers were all the rage. In south Florida, a gamekeeper tries to halt the massacre...
Feature film, Fiction
UNITED STATES | 93 minutes | 1958
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