The wild bunch, bold cinematic rebels and adventurous films
FINLAND, France | 89 minutes | 2018
What on earth is the meaning of Finland’s most famous painting The Wounded Angel, created by Hugo Simberg in an insane asylum in 1903? Here’s a movie tailor-made for lovers of fantastical documentaries, thought-provoking oddball flicks, art, Finnish angels, elves, trolls and other little people, magic trees, madness and brain-teasers of all stripes. This cinematic essay in the form of a shamanic journey probes the idea of death and may even open the doors to the beyond. A strange investigation that will lead to much post-film discussion.NORTH AMERICAN PREMIEREQ&A with filmmaker JEAN-MICHEL ROUX on October 10th and 11thWith the support ofFinnish Film Foundation .In collaboration with the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts."... an investigation into the Finnish soul, its imagination, its personal and collective subconscious... a cinematographic essay, bringing together confessions and symbolist visions."
L'Étrange festival
No biography
POHJOLAN ENKELI (2018) – 89’ANGEL OF THE NORTH Documentary in FinlandCoproduction : Making Movies Oy - Mezzanine Films LES MYSTERES DU SNÆFFELLSJÖKULL (2009) – 46’THE MYSTERIES OF SNÆFFELLSJÖKULLDocumentary in IcelandCoproduction : H.ODDSSON EHF - Mezzanine Films LE CŒUR DE LA TERRE (2009) – 12’THE HEART OF THE EARTHFantastic taleCoproduction : Mezzanine Films – H.ODDSSON EHF ENQUÊTE SUR LE MONDE INVISIBLE (2002) – 90’INVESTIGATION INTO THE INVISIBLE WORLDDocumentary in IcelandCoproduction : Noé Productions – BAC Films – SNC – TPS LES MILLE MERVEILLES DE L’UNIVERS (1997) – 87’THE THOUSAND WONDERS OF THE UNIVERSEScience fictionCoproduction : Studio Canal - France 3 Cinéma - TransfilmStarring Tcheky Karyo, Julie Delpy, Maria de Medeiros, Féodor Atkine,Chick Ortéga, Pascale BussièresWriters: Régine Abadia - Alexis Galmot - Jean Michel Roux ELFLAND (1997) – 25’Documentary on the Elves in Iceland TROP PRÈS DES DIEUX (1992) – 25’TOO NEAR THE GODSScience fiction Starring Tcheky Karyo, Richard Bohringer,Féodor Atkine, François Hadji-Lazaro, Dominique Valladié LA VOIX DU DÉSERT (1987) – 12’THE VOICE OF THE DESERTFantasy fiction Starring Dominique Pinon, Catherine Frot,Yann Collette, Howard Vernon, Muni, Michel Didym et Muriel Mayette QUARTIER SAUVAGE (1984) – 15’WILD DISTRICTFantasy fiction Starring Michel Didym, Muriel Mayette, Nox et Bérurier Noir
In the arid plains of northern Brazil, a village suddenly disappears from GPS maps, while down the road, a mysterious massacre occurs. Then the power cuts...
Feature film, Fiction
BRAZIL, FRANCE | 132 minutes | 2019
Xawery Zulawski directs his late father’s last script, finalized just before he died. This is a two-headed film about the revival of fascism in the West;...
POLAND | 138 minutes | 2019
In Japan, hell is a bar. A no man’s land that Kanako falls into, literally. Now forced to work for a cook with some rather complicated criminal habits...
JAPAN | 117 minutes | 2019
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