
QUéBEC, Canada | 112 minutes | 2019

In a province not so distant from ours, now controlled by a far-right government, the borders are closed and immigrants, now under threat, are desperate to get out. A Haitian woman hands over her young son to a thirty-something Quebec man before fleeing. With help from a Vietnamese former refugee, they try to solve the mystery. After Oscillations (FNC 2017), Ky Nam Le Duc here makes further inroads into his quest to diversify our cinematic landscape. A delicately sketched, enigmatic work, chilling in its topicality, where mistrust reigns and love blossoms where you least expect it.
Q&A with the cast and crew on October 13th and 15th


Sunday October 13, 2019

Program #85
Cinéma du Musée

Tuesday October 15, 2019

Program #159
Cineplex Odeon Quartier SALLE 14

Ky Nam Le Duc

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Screenplay Ky Nam Le Duc
  • Producer Étienne Hansez, Ky Nam Le Duc
  • Cast Mickael Gouin, Junior Jean-Baptiste, Tri Nguyen Thanh

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