Spotlight on our cinema
QUéBEC, Canada | 94 minutes | 2019
A Prairie no-man’s-land or an incubator of unbridled creativity? Winnipeg remains an enigma — and the second feature from Ryan McKenna (Le Cœur de Madame Sabali) adds its own two cents to the conversation. His solitary protagonists, alternately in search of love or meaning, are linked by the surprising letters they sent to Peter Warren, the longstanding controversial host of the infamous Action Line radio show. Shot in beautiful black-and-white, its sets brimming with inventiveness, Cranks allies its quirkiness with bittersweet humour.Q&A with the cast and crew on October 15th and 16th
Vancouver Film Festival
No biography
Jackie, a teen in late-80s Newfoundland, is dealing with the trials of adolescence – friendship, dating, wanting to belong vs. having to conform – as...
Feature film, Fiction
Middle-aged Donna is working off her hours of community service — the result of a DUI conviction — in an animal shelter. Deeply affected by the plight...
NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA | 85 minutes | 2019
On the cusp of the 20th century, a young William Lyon Mackenzie King negotiates the obstacles strewn in his path on the way to becoming prime minister of...
QUéBEC, CANADA | 90 minutes | 2019
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