
HONG KONG, United Kingdom, United States | 13 minutes | 2019

Frenetically presented archived 35mm images are obsessively spliced together inch by inch. It’s Dante's Inferno for the streaming age!


Sunday October 13, 2019

Program #91

Friday October 18, 2019

Program #214

Simon Liu

No biography

Signal 8 (2019), E-Ticket (2019), Fallen Arches (2018), Star Ferry (2018), Highview (2017), Cluster Click City Sundays (2016), Sneyd Green (2016), Shuffle Cove (2016), Harbour City (2015), Donkey Riding (2014), Ditchwork (2012), Flyer Boy (2008), Staffordshire Hoard (2021 - Work In Progress Feature Film)

distribution and credits

  • Producer Rachael Lawe

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