
ISRAEL | 5 minutes | 2019

It’s Memorial Day and five Palestinian workers are constructing a house. Their identity is questioned by the arrival of a stranger.

With the support of Consulat général d'Israël à Montréal


Saturday October 12, 2019

Program #60

Sunday October 13, 2019

Program #94

Nitzan Rozen

No biography

Fair Play, fiction 12 min 2015
Cracks, fiction, 23 min 2018
Home Constructors, documentary, 5 min 2019
Fata Morgana, fiction, 20 min (approx.), post-production

distribution and credits

  • Producer Kobi Mizrahi
  • Cast Yasser Abdallah, Shadi Alsayad, Gili Arava, Alsayad Husam, Imad Mahamid, Lochman Mahamid, Guman Mansur

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