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QUéBEC, Canada | 85 minutes | 2019

Taking her usual place off-camera and on, Sophie Bédard Marcotte goes on a joyride from Montreal to Los Angeles looking for inspiration… and Miranda July. In this genre-busting road movie, the people she meets are eccentric, the settings kitschy and sublime, the confessions intimate and the questions existential. It’s a pure pleasure to reconnect with the gentle humour of Winter Claire in this sensitive, realistic narrative about the pains of artistic creation and the pleasures of friendship. Bonus points for Chantal Akerman’s voice in the middle of the desert!
Q&A with the cast and crew on October 11th and 20th

In collaboration with the Festival International du Film sur l'Art

" A charming combination of haphazard amateurism and sophisticated consideration."

Visions du Réel Film Festival


Friday October 11, 2019

Program #21
Cinéma du Parc 1

Sunday October 20, 2019

Program #257
Cinéma du Parc 3

Sophie Bédard Marcotte

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Animation Joel Morin-Ben Abdallah
  • Editing Joël Morin-Ben Abdallah
  • Sound designer Juliette Guérin, Gaël Poisson-Lemay
  • Cinematographer Isabelle Stachtchenko
  • Screenplay Sophie Bédard-Marcotte
  • Producer Caroline Galipeau
  • Cast Sophie Bédard-Marcotte, Isabelle Stachtchenko

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