
QUéBEC, Canada | 91 minutes | 2011

Giving voice to a generation of anxious, rudderless young adults, the filmmaker creates a portrait of Nikolai and Clara. After meeting at a club, they get together and have sex. The unexpected aftermath is a night of talking and musing about their anxieties, lives and era. The antithesis of the classic romantic comedy, and a painful huis-clos on the malaise of early middle age, this debut feature established Anne Émond as a unique and essential voice in contemporary Quebec cinema.
35mm copy - as part of the tribute to K-Films Amérique's 25 years anniversary
Q&A with Catherine de Léan

Best Canadian First Feature Film, Special Jury Citation - Toronto Film Festival 2011

Best Canadian Feature Film - Vancouver Film Festival 2011


Tuesday October 15, 2019

Program #149
Cinémathèque - Salle Principale

Anne Émond

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Screenplay Anne Émond
  • Producer Nancy Grant
  • Cast Catherine De Léan, Dimitri Storoge, Véronique Rebizov

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