Exploring new technology trends
QUéBEC, Canada | 0 minutes | 0
Playtime transports us into the universe of a child’s imagination. When a child travels to another world, walls no longer exist, objects come alive and a myriad of colours are displayed in the eyes of those who dare to imagine.
Prix de la relève étudiante - Festival du nouveau cinéma
As part of IMMERSION VR - 11 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 12 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 14 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 15 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 16 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 17 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 18 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 19 octobre
No biography
First film of a VR series, 21-22 ALPHA introduces project 21-22, an exploration of our planet in this human-led Earth epoch known as the Anthropocene. Like...
XR - extended realities
QUéBEC, CANADA | 15 minutes | 2019
At the very end of the European Union, there is the prison of Botosani, where Cristian, Busliuc and Manix spend the last days of their penalties. They’ve...
GERMANY, ROMANIA | 38 minutes | 2019
The Heart of Darkness is both an immersive drama and interactive music video. Inspired by Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, it is set on the dwarf...
AUSTRALIA | 13 minutes | 2019
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