
UNITED KINGDOM | 9 minutes | 2018

The siren's loud glissando wail is a conditioned and learned signal, one that can potentially be perceptually and musically rewired.


Sunday October 13, 2019

Program #91

Friday October 18, 2019

Program #214

Aura Satz

No biography

Entangled Nightvisions, 2017
Little Pathways to Doors Not Yet Taken, 2016
The Astronomer and the Witch, 2016
Between the Bullet and the Hole, 2015
The Trembling Line, 2015
Chromatic Aberration, 2014
Doorway for Natalie Kalmus, 2013
In and Out of Synch, 2012
Vocal Flame, 2012
Universal Language: A Lost Manifesto, 2012
Oramics: Atlantis Anew, 2011
Onomatopoeic Alphabet, 2010
Sound Seam, 2010
Automamusic, 2008

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