Exploring new technology trends
QUéBEC, Canada | 5 minutes | 2019
Reality escapes us, and our perception sometimes has... errors. Visual Mistakes_ an interactive virtual reality experience that is for two people: one is immersed in a strange technological laboratory while the other can change the experience of the first.
As part of IMMERSION VR - 11 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 12 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 14 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 15 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 16 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 17 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 18 octobre
As part of IMMERSION VR - 19 octobre
No biography
Unceded Territories is a provocative interactive XR experience that deals with climate change and indigenous civil rights by bringing audiences into a...
XR - extended realities
CANADA | 6 minutes | 2019
Bergmál is the Icelandic word for echo. It could be translated as “The language of the rock” or “The language of mountains”. In Iceland, a burial...
QUéBEC, CANADA | 8 minutes | 2018
More than a personal tribute to A Space Odyssey, this project unfolds as a sensible and sensitive immersion into the heart of Kubrick’s film. Odyssey...
FRANCE | 10 minutes | 0
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