
Tant qu'il nous reste des fusils à pompe
Caroline Poggi, Jonathan Vinel

O.V. French | st English

It's damned hot. Streets are oddly empty. Palms are suffering and shotguns crying. Joshua wants to die but doesn't want to leave his brother Maël alone. Meanwhile he meets with a gang : the Icebergs.

FRANCE | 30 minutes | 2014

Notre Héritage
Caroline Poggi, Jonathan Vinel

O.V. French | st English

Lucas is the son of the famous pornographer Pierre Woodman. This is his story.

FRANCE | 24 minutes | 2016

After School Knife Fight
Caroline Poggi, Jonathan Vinel

O.V. French | st English

Laëtitia, Roca, Nico, and Naël get together in a wasteland for their final rehearsal. The group will soon no longer exist because Laëtitia is going faraway to study. A story of these young adults who don't want to say goodbye.

FRANCE | 21 minutes | 2017


Monday October 14, 2019

Cinémathèque - Salle Principale
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