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FRANCE | 68 minutes | 2019

Delphine Seyrig (1932–1990), the actress who embodied intello-chic in films by Demy, Truffaut, Buñuel and Resnais, was deeply committed to women’s cinema, from Chantal Akerman to Liliane de Kermadec and Marguerite Duras. Militant filmmaker Carole Roussopoulos (1945–2009) was a pivotal figure in French political documentary. Together they founded the women’s video collective Insoumuses. Armed with their small, lightweight camera, they documented every feminist struggle of the 70s: the legalization of abortion, free contraception, sexual minority rights... battles that are striking in their blistering topicality. An exhilarating documentary that reflects the extraordinary passion and energy of its two subjects.

In collaboration with the Festival Filministes.

"An eye-opening, well-conceived and thought-provoking piece, Delphine and Carole vividly highlights the historical struggle for sexual equality, illustrating that although there have been improvements, one might question how much has changed – suggesting that human rights conflicts repeat until we resolve them." The Upcoming

Berlin Film Festival

GNCF Award - FID Marseille

Audience Award - Créteil International Women's Film Festival


Saturday October 12, 2019

Program #54
Cinémathèque - Salle Principale

Friday October 18, 2019

Program #217
Cineplex Odeon Quartier SALLE 10

Callisto Mc Nulty

Callisto Mc Nulty is an author, director and translator, born in 1990 in Paris. She is a graduate of Central Saint Martins and Goldsmiths university in London. Her research in the fields of feminist and cultural studies and the visual arts takes the shape of film and editorial projets.
She has directed and co-written DELPHINE AND CAROLE (70 min, produced by Les Films de la Butte in association with la Lucarne d’Arte and the Centre audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir) — an archival documentary film about the 1970s period of "enchanted feminism", through the portrait of Delphine Seyrig and Carole Roussopoulos.
She has written and realised, with Anne Destival, "Éric’s Tape" (2017, with Eric Bauer, William Furlong and Colette Lumière), a filmed investigation around a mysterious "Audio Arts" cassette, featuring an almost inaudible conversation between Andy Warhol and several other characters whose identity is initially unknown. The project was presented within the context of the exhibition « Grand Trouble » at the Halle Saint Pierre in Paris.
She is co-editor and co-author of the book SCUM Manifesto (2018, éd. NAIMA), which brings together a restored version of the videotape by Carole Roussopoulos and Delphine Seyrig, archive documents, filmed interviews, and original texts.
She has curated the "Bibelot Summer Show" at the Wendy Gallery in Paris in June 2018, a collective exhibition gathering the works of 37 artists around the concept of bibelot — the poetics and politics of care directed towards details, the everyday.
She is a French to English translator for galleries and museums (including the Galerie Marcelle Alix in Paris, the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, the Malmö Konsthall in Sweeden).

distribution and credits

  • Screenplay Callisto McNulty, Géronimo Roussopoulos, Alexandra Roussopoulos
  • Producer Britta Rindelaub, Sylvie Cazin, Sophie De Hijes, Nicolas Lesoult, Nicole Fernandez Ferrer
  • Cast Delphine Seyrig, Carole Roussopoulos

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