Exploring new technology trends
ONTARIO, Canada | 0 minutes | 2019
Using Augmented Reality and Snapchat as art platforms, Grey Matter is the portable version of a Magic Mirror, flipping selfies into self-reflection with the help of the oldest influencers of our lifetime: our seniors.
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The participant is lead through different environments, through dreams, and must face challenges and difficult decision in each, experiencing loss. The...
XR - extended realities
UNITED STATES, IRAQ | 15 minutes | 2019
The Heart of Darkness is both an immersive drama and interactive music video. Inspired by Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, it is set on the dwarf...
AUSTRALIA | 13 minutes | 2019
You’ve been in a collision. You wake up inside the TARDIS. The Doctor introduces you to the person, or thing, you collided with: a strange and...
UNITED KINGDOM | 13 minutes | 2019
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