Premieres — Events — Happenings
COLOMBIA | 14 minutes | 2018
Crocodile-men, a mystic river, some kids who like fishing and a war that is coming to an end, share the same Colombian land: Bojaya. In this place, villagers have strange beliefs and celebrate the “Novenario” death ritual. This might be the beginning of a very long story, where spirits and humans meet each other to learn what is there to life after the end of war.
No biography
1. It’s a phenomenon characterized by the experience of seeing light without light actually entering the eye.
Short film, Experimental
COLOMBIA, GERMANY | 11 minutes | 2018
The mountain peaks design a fragmented horizon behind them.
COLOMBIA | 10 minutes | 2018
Ellen Ripley is back on the planet from the first movie. But this time, she’s accompanied by a squad of marines with a simple mission: kill all the...
Feature film, Fiction
UNITED STATES, UNITED KINGDOM | 134 minutes | 1986
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