
BRITISH COLUMBIA, Norway, Canada | 105 minutes | 2019

Rosie is barefoot in the rain in the streets of Vancouver. She is very young, pregnant, on the run and in danger. Older and better-off Áila takes her under her wing. The two Indigenous women from different backgrounds exchange thoughts on motherhood, sharing and privilege, body image, culture and violence, alternately lying, pushing away and trying to understand one another. The subtle, incisive camera stays on them at all times. This naturalistic first film is a technical tour de force, a real-time encounter between two very different yet complementary women whose worlds collide.
Q&A with Kathleen Hepburn on October 12th

In collaboration with Cinema Politica, Dames des Vues and ARRQ.

"The film resists pat solutions on abuse, and instead, it depicts the complexities of domestic abuse, privilege and charity, and freedom." Independent
"This courageous entry in Indigenous cinema refuses to wrap up life neatly with a bow; we are shown, rather than told, just how things are in 2019." HCN

Grand prix focus Quebec/Canada - Festival du nouveau cinéma

Best Canadian Feature Film, Honourable Mention - Toronto Film Festival

Berlin Film Festival


Saturday October 12, 2019

Program #70
Cineplex Odeon Quartier SALLE 14

Sunday October 13, 2019

Program #81
Cinéma du Parc 3

Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers

No biography

Kathleen Hepburn

No biography

distribution and credits

  • Screenplay Kathleen Hepburn, Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers
  • Producer Tyler Hagan, Lori Lozinski
  • Cast Charlie Hannah, Barbara Eve Harris, Violet Nelson, Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, Jay Cardinal Villeneuve

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