
Dani Pearce

O.V. English

In a surreal synapse, a young woman laments her teen years, her hometown and the death of a friend.

AUSTRALIA | 5 minutes | 2019

Eyes on the Road
Stefanie Kolk

O.V. Dutch | st English

On a drive back home in a dirty car, three young women talk about other people. Their conversation flows naturally, and takes them into uncharted territory....

NETHERLANDS | 17 minutes | 2019

The Moon is Bright Tonight

O.V. Nepali | st English

Tattini plans to start a new life with her dead husband's insurance money, away from the shackles of the conservative society she lives in.

NEPAL | 16 minutes | 2018

She Runs
QIU Yang

O.V. Mandarin | st English

During a normal, eventless Chinese winter, Yu, a junior high student in a small city, tries to quit her school aerobic dance team.

CHINA, France | 20 minutes | 2019

Mariana Gaivão

O.V. English | st English

Daughter of two worlds, Ruby moves between the borders of England and Portuguese land, without belonging to either.

PORTUGAL | 25 minutes | 2019


Monday October 14, 2019

Cinémathèque - Salle Fernand-Seguin
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