
Pier-Philippe Chevigny

O.V. French | st English

To Alex, the mysterious patrols his father used to lead with his right-wing militia are a hazy memory. That morning, though, it all came into focus.

QUéBEC, Canada | 15 minutes | 2019

Gun Killers
Jason Young

O.V. English

Enter the secluded paradise of a retired couple and the secret work they do for the RCMP.

NOVA SCOTIA, Canada | 11 minutes | 2019

Omar Elhamy

O.V. Arabic | st English

An exhausted gangster encounters a spectre from his past, a presence without censure, nor even warning, but with a message of inevitability....

QUéBEC, Canada | 23 minutes | 2019

Velvet Cut
Shaun Stander

O.V. English

It’s the 1800s in the American desert and a solitary, troubled man gets bitten by a rattlesnake. Nothing is certain anymore in this luminescent night.

BRITISH COLUMBIA, Canada | 26 minutes | 2019


Friday October 18, 2019

Cinémathèque - Salle Principale
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