Duos formed during the previous edition share their experiences and discuss how the twinning was done.


Tuesday October 15, 2019

Agora Hydro-Québec du Coeur des sciences de l'UQAM

With the presence of

Matthew Wolkow

Animated with a curiosity for new knowledge, Matthew Wolkow creates a cinema revealing the persons he meets and the stories that come along. Situated between essay and experimentation, rubbing the real, the imaginary, speech, words and sensorialities, his work beneficiates from this hybridity where form is approached as a resolution. His film, Dialogue du Tigre, received the 2018 RVQC's award for best experimental film.

Vincent Brault

Vincent Brault, born in Montreal in 1978, has published short stories, essays on contemporary art and two novels (Le cadavre de Kowalski and La chair de Clémentine, Héliotrope, 2015 and 2018). His third novel — currently being written — is base in Tokyo.

Maxime-Claude L'Écuyer

Maxime-Claude L’Écuyer as writing and directed six short films: The partition (2008), The state of mind (2012), Suki (2012) and the recent Squad Leader TD-73028 Soliloquy (2018). All of them have been showed in more than 100 festivals internationally. Zosfika (2014) has won 8 internationals awards. He is finishing the postproduction on a feature documentary: 305 Bellechasse and also development on is first feature call Pentimento. He will be shooting is next short film Resonance at the end of this year.

François Désaulniers

François Désaulniers is an author and a musician. He studied literature and theatre in Montreal and Paris. He has worked in publishing as well as radio, released travel diaries, short stories and children’s books. His album Intraordinaire is inspired by the universe of his novel L’Aiguilleur.

Alice Michaud-Lapointe

Alice Michaud-Lapointe is a PHD student and lecturer in the Department of Film Studies at the Université de Montréal. She is also a writer and has published the collection of short stories Titre de transport (2014), the novel Villégiature (2016) and the story Neons et Sakuras with Héliotrope (Montréal). She is on the editorial board of Spirale Magazine and has also published articles and essays in Études françaises, Hors Champ, Found Footage Magazine, Nouvelles Vues. She participated in the first edition of the speed meeting "Du livre au court métrage" in 2017 and is hosting this year the activity "Retour sur le Speed Meeting: Du livre au court métrage 2018".

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