Premieres — Events — Happenings
COLOMBIA, Canada | 7 minutes | 2018
An impressionistic study of Lake Guatavita (Colombia), a sacred site for the Muisca people that inspired the legend of El Dorado.
No biography
Curtis LaForche, a likeable family man mired in depression, is haunted by apocalyptic visions. His friends and his family history lead him to think he...
Feature film, Fiction
UNITED STATES | 116 minutes | 2011
Could it be that rock was not born with Elvis Presley in the 50s, but rather with Édith Piaf and her legendary 1949 performance of Hymne à l’amour the...
Feature film, Documentary
FRANCE | 79 minutes | 2019
A spaceship visits a planet where it should never have stopped. Alone with the terrors of deep space, facing a murderous xenomorph that patiently lies in...
UNITED KINGDOM, UNITED STATES | 116 minutes | 1979
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