QUéBEC, Canada | 6 minutes | 2019
Tourné à midi à Chatfield, au Manitoba, le lundi après un long week-end entre amis et une gueule de bois.
SF is a visual artist (Libra) from Winnipeg whose film and video work has screened at underground festivals and marginalized venues worldwide. He obtained his bachelor's degree in Film Studies at the University of Manitoba and began conducting lo-fi moving image experiments in 2010. His work has received prizes from the WNDX Festival of Moving Image, Onion City Experimental Film and Video Festival, Festival du Nouveau Cinema, FLEX Florida Experimental Film and Video Festival, and the Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, and in 2018 he was the recipient of the 2018 Winnipeg Film Group Manitoba Film Hothouse Award. In addition to producing his own work, SF presents the work of others currently through the WNDX Festival of Moving Image, and formerly as the co-founder of the Winnipeg Underground Film Festival and Open City Cinema.
Un groupe d'hommes protège désespérément leur territoire de chasse menacé d'être envahi par des chasseurs voisins. Ruée fantasmée dans la...
Court métrage
QUéBEC, CANADA | 7 minutes | 2019
Demain, c’est mes retrouvailles de 10 ans. Aujourd’hui je vide des sacs de sable. 10 080 sacs de sable....
QUéBEC, CANADA | 5 minutes | 2019
Zoé a organisé une première date parfaite avec Marc, après un mois d'échanges par texto. Leurs attentes vont être mises à l'épreuve par la...
QUéBEC, CANADA | 8 minutes | 2019
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