An informal panel made up of international short film festival programmers discussing their selection process.Anne Gaschütz - FILMFEST DRESDEN (GERMANY)Sanghoon LEE - BISFF (Busan International Short Film Festival) (KOREA) Jaime E. Manrique - Bogotá Short Film Festival - BOGOSHORTS (COLOMBIA) Enrico Vannucci - La Biennale di Venezia - Venice Film Festival (ITALY) Claudio Zilleruelo Acra - Black Canvas FCC (MEXICO)With the support of AMEXCID and Consultat général du Mexique à Montréal
Enrico mainly works as advisor for the Venice Film Festival and as programmer for the Torino Short Film Market. He also has written essays on the film festival ecosystem. In August 2018, he co-founded Varicoloured, a holistic film agency.
Anne grew up in Dresden, Germany , studied film in Great Britain and worked in various positions in film production at Dresden-based production company filoufilm. She joint FILMFEST DRESDEN in 2013 and became its deputy director in 2019.
Senior programmer in Busan International Short Film Festival and also Lecturer of Chonnam National University and Chonbuk National University in South Korea, Sanghoon is specialist in the field of audiovisual arts, more specifically in Cinema and French culture.
Founder and director of LABORATORIOS BLACK VELVET, integral film management company. He’s the founder and artistic director of BOGOSHORTS and concept designer of the BOGOSHORTS Movement.
Claudio Zilleruelo Acra, Artistic Director and Programmer of the Black Canvas Contemporary Film Festival and teacher of the Universidad de la Comunicación.
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